Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why Can't We See The Wind?

It was during one of those summer conferences that teachers always attend. Everyone knows teachers don't work during the summer, right? I was seated at THE table, the one way back in the corner where no one can see you, and I thought I was safe. Suddenly,  I was surrounded by talkative, happy and not so exhausted people. The conversation, filled with the minutiae of the day, proceeded
forward as is apt to happen at these conferences. Suddenly, Steve, one of my colleagues, decides to tell us the story about his son asking him, Why couldn't we see the wind." His response to his son was, "Go ask your mom."  The story continues until we find out his son asked him this question over ten years ago, and he still doesn't know the answer.  I guess you had to be there at that moment on that particular day with those wonderful people to understand, but we were all doubled over laughing.  It was that joyous laughter that actually hurts and you know you are in a special moment and you better mark it in your memory.
Now I will tell you about my beautiful boxer, Bruder, and his inability to understand why he couldn't see the wind, also.  He would jump straight into the air and somehow manage to do a 180 degree turn to find out just what was this stuff was whenever it blew a little more briskly than usual.  He would then turn toward me with this perplexed look and shake his head until he found a batch of flowers growing that would allow him to stick his whole doggy face into them so he could inhale the aroma.  It would be at this point he would finally forget about this mysterious wind. He was a character, and I continue to miss him despite the many years that have passed since his death.  So for the people who made me laugh till I hurt and the goofy boxer that rarely left my side for twelve years, "Why can't we see the wind?"
Why do 18 year old girls get glioblastoma multiforme? While there is an answer to not seeing the wind; I don't think the answer anyone can provide will satisfy my heart, my mind, or my being for this one.
On Tuesday, I am leaving for Budapest and I will carry a picture of this young lady, The Warrior Queen, with me. Her dream is to see the world. She cannot travel right now due to the intensive treatment she is undergoing that will allow her to defeat this monstrous invader of her brain.  So, she will see the city through the eyes of me, my camera, my iPhone video recorder and a question.   Everyone I run into I am going to ask, "Why can't we see the wind?"  There really isn't an answer to the other question; so why bother asking?

Update: Our Warrior Queen died over two years ago.  I can finally write it and acknowledge that she isn't coming back.  The finality of death for those left behind is devastating.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Jamie! Thank you for your beautiful post... very inspiring!
